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2014, Chandigarh, India, With Metaxia Markaki
Chandigarh the ville de Beton Brt celebrated its 50 years of completion recently. This photo series captures the city in perpetual decay and the aesthetic of decay. The hybidisation that the inhabitants are bringing to this city and how a pirate modernity is taking over the city.
2014, Delhi, for LSE Cities
The Urban Age Promenade was designed to offer participants of the Urban Age conference and award in Delhi a comprehensive transect of the city. The tour explored Delhi’s diverse ecologies, including the riverbank and the ridge, as well as its varied settlement typologies such as public housing, self-built informal tenure housing, and speculative housing developments. Additionally, it provided insights into the social life of public spaces in Delhi.
Notably, the visit to Nehru Place during the tour and my explanation of its programmatic workings inspired renowned academic Richard Sennett to write a piece celebrating Nehru Place as a "Porous City."
Image Credits - Catarina Heeckt.
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