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I contribute in a number of academic and non-academic journals and newspapers.
Some of my papers, articles, and book chapters can be downloaded below with the suggested citation information.


Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methods for Landscape and Urban Research,
Nitin Bathla (eds.), 262 pages, May 2024, gta Verlag

Winner of the DAM Book Award 2024

Book Reviews:
In Urban Studies Journal by Andrew Littlejohn
In Landscape Research Journal by Hannah Sender
In Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (Springer Nature) by Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad

UNEARTHING TRACES: Dismantling imperialist entanglements of archives, landscapes, and the built environment
Denise Bertschi, Julien Lafontaine Carboni, Nitin Bathla (eds.), 320 pages, March 2023, EPFL Press

THE [SEASONAL] ARRIVAL CITY: Designing for migrants’ ‘transient right to the city’
Nitin Bathla & Jennifer Duyne Barenstein (eds.), ETH Wohnforum ETH Case, April 2022


Inhabiting more-than-human ecologies of Extended urbanization: Unruly leopards amidst urban-wild enmeshment in the Northern Aravalli region,

Geoforum, 156, 2024, Pages 1-11

Transhumance Urbanism as an Urban Otherwise: Inhabiting Agrarian Incompletion at the Intersections of Extended Urbanisation-Extended Ruralisation,

Antipode, 56(6), 2024, Pages 2000-2020

Extending dialogues on the urban,
Dialogues in Human Geography, 2024, Pages 1-6

Producing New India: Periodizing India’s Infrastructure-led Extended Urbanisaiton,
Economic and Political Weekly, 59(52), 2024, Pages 37-44

Authoritarian urbanism beyond the city: Infrastructure-led extended urbanization and India’s more-than-neoliberal configurations,
Urban Studies, 2024, Pages 1-22

The atmospheres of massiveness: The politics and times of the maybe in Southern megaregions,
The Geographical Journal, 190(1), 2024, Pages 1-10

Nature and the extended city: Wasteland governmentality, the sacred, and anti-wasteland politics in the Aravalli region

Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2023, Pages 1-20

Inhabiting the extensions,

Dialogues in Human Geography, 2023, SAGE Journals, Pages 1-23

Extended urbanisation and the politics of uncertainty: The contested pathways of highway corridors in India
The Geographical Journal, 190(1), 2022, Page 1-15

Planned illegality, permanent temporariness, and strategic philanthropy: tenement towns under extended urbanisation of postmetropolitan Delhi
Housing Studies Journal, 2021, Pages 1-21

Reframing the contested city through ethnographic film: beyond the expository on housing and the urban
with Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou in International Journal of Housing Policy, 2021. Pages 1-16

Radical Housing and Socially-engaged Art, Reflections from a tenement town in Delhi’s extensive urbanisation

with Sumedha Garg in Radical Housing Journal, Issue 2.2, 2020, Pages 35-54

Decentring the Open City: Examining Openness at the Agrarian-urban Frontiers in India
Trialog (4) 135 - Open City, 2020, Pages 15-19

The Metabolism of Tenement Towns on a Planet of Fast Fashion
OASE 104. The Urban Household of Metabolism, 2019, Pages 50-55


Against the Commons. A Radical History of Urban Planning, 
Planning Theory, 23(3)May 2024, Sage, Pages 282-287

Book Review Forum: Lively cities: a review in the minor key, 
Urban Geography, 45(3)March 2024, Taylor & Francis, Pages 495-498

The architecture of social reform: housing, tradition, and German modernism,
Housing Studies Journal #38. April 2023, Routledge. Pages - 744-746

An Excursion into the Fragments of the City
Book review forum: Fragments of the City: Making and Remaking Urban Worlds by Colin McFarlane, Society and Space, September 26, 2022

AMO / Rem Koolhaas(ed.) 2020: Countryside: A Report. Cologne: Taschen
in IJURR Vol. 44 Number 5. September 2020, Wiley Pages - 945-946

Suburban Planet: Making the World Urban from the Outside In
in Urban Studies Journal #56. April 2019, SAGE Journals. Pages - 2179-2181


Podcast: Book Review Forum: How Cities Can Transform Democracy

in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. July, 2023  

Podcast: Book Review Roundtable: Migrants and Machine Politics
in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. June, 2023  

Podcast: Book review roundtable: Art & Climate Change
in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. November 22, 2022  

Podcast: Dispatch from RC21 Conference 2022 – Ordinary cities in exceptional times
in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. September 12, 2022  

Podcast: Dispatch from INURA Conference 2022 in Luxemburg
in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. July 27, 2022  

Podcast: Book Review Roundtable: Fragments of the City: Making and Remaking Urban Worlds
in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. June 01, 2022  

Podcast: Film-Making as Urban Research
in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. January 29, 2021  

Podcast: Mobilization and Advocacy in Massive Urbanization Contexts - Part I
in Urban Political Podcast, The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism, Berlin. December 5, 2020  


Book Chapter: Sutradhar - The Emergent Social Designer?
in Co-Designing the City : Architecture + Informal Intelligence, November 2016, Alfred Herrhausen Society, Berlin. Pages - 102-105

Book Chapter: Progress or 'Déjà Vu'?
in Minha Casa, Nossa Cidade, February 2014, Ruby Press, Berlin. Pages - 68-69

Book Chapter: Access to housing versus access to the city
in Minha Casa, Nossa Cidade, February 2014, Ruby Press, Berlin. Pages - 72-74

Book Chapter: Charged Voids: Ensuring quality open spaces
in Minha Casa, Nossa Cidade, February 2014, Ruby Press, Berlin. Pages - 200-219

Book Chapter: Undoing the city of dichotomies - Rethinking social futures in the urban expansion zone of Rio de Janeiro
in Minha Casa, Nossa Cidade, February 2014, Ruby Press, Berlin. Pages - 221-225


Article: Decentring the Open City: Examining openness at the agrarian-urban frontiers in India

in TRIALOG 135, February 2020 Berlin. Pages - 15-19

Article: Complexities and contradictions in Forensic Architecture
in TRANS 36. Spannung, February 2020, GTA Press, Zurich. Pages - 103-108

Article: The metabolism of tenement towns on a planet of fast fashion
in OASE #104. The Urban Household of Metabolism, November 2019, nai010 Publishers, Rotterdam. Pages - 50-55

Article: Repair and Fix: Jason Moore and  Raj Patel in conversation with Milica Topalovic, Alex Nehmer, and Nitin Bathla

The Great Repair, ARCH+, Nr. 250, December 2022, Berlin

Article: Urban autopia: the architecture of car-oriented capitalism
The Architectural Review, Special Issue - ENERGY, Issue number - 1495, October 2022, Pages 84-88

Article: Drawing as Counter-Cartography- Reflections on a Socially engage Art Project
with Sumedha Garg in Oase 107: The Drawing In Landscape Design And Urbanism, December 2020. Pages - 49-62

Article: India’s highway revolution

The Architectural Review, Special Issue - TRANSIT, Issue number - 1491, May 2022, Pages 88-91

Opinion piece: Housing the migrant worker
opinion column in The Indian Express, May 16, 2020

Opinion piece: By sealing Delhi NCR borders, Covid has ended fluidity between where labourers live and work
with Mukta Naik, opinion column in The Print, May 25, 2019

Opinion Piece: The Delhi Mumbai Expressway is a shortcut to socio-ecological disaster
in The Wire, Environment. October 2019


Agrarian Questions in an Uncertain World, 2023, 18 minutes. Video 

Not Just Roads, Ethnographic Film,
67 minutes, 2020. India/Switzerland. Producers & Directors: Nitin Bathla, and 
Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou. Swiss Films    

Award: Winner of the Society of Architecture Historians Film and Video Award 2024,
Nominations and Honorable Mentions: Shortlist-International Film Competition 2021, London Architecture Film Festival.
Shortlist-Beyond the Screen Competition, DocAviv 2021    

Film Reviews: 
In Annals of American Association of Geographers by Momen El-Husseiny, AbdouMaliq Simone, Llerena Guiu Searle, D. Asher Ghertner & Sandra Jasper
Films that offer a space for discussion on complex environmental issues, in Mongabay by Priyanka Shankar
Not Just Roads – A sensory immersion into urban transformations shaping in the peripheries of Delhi, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

The film premiered at over 30 international film festivals, including the Ecofalante Environmental Film Festival (Brazil), All Things Environmental Film Festival (India), London Architecture Festival, Copenhagen Architectural Festival, DocAviv 2021, Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam, and Dharmshala International Film Festival.It serves as a pedagogical resource and is included in the library holdings and curricula of universities such as Humboldt University, York University, Syracuse University, KTH Stockholm, and the University of Luzern. 2020    Metropolis 2020, 8 minutes. Video Installation, exhibited in Zurich, Berlin, and Delhi.


Book: Inhabiting a Ruderal Planet, 
Book: Sensoriums: Cinema and the City in the era of Planetary Urbanization, eds. Nitin Bathla, Silvia Cipelletti, Markus Lähteenmäki, Klearjos Papanicolaou, JOVIS Verlag 
Special Issue: Agrarian Urbanism beyond the urban-rural divide, eds. Nitin Bathla, Luca Lazzarini, Landscape Research Journal
Special Issue: Urban neoilliberalism at the Authoritarian Turn, eds. Nitin Bathla, Seth Schindler, Ilias Alami, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Book Chapter: Agrarian Questions under Extended Urbanization, Designing Agroecological territories, Milica Topalovic, ed., Birkhäuser (forthcoming)
Journal Article: Lichtwirtschaft and the Production of the Spectacle City: Light Planning, Nighttime Economy, and Zurich’s Neoliberal Financialization,
Nitin Bathla, Norman Backhaus
Film: Building a Nation, Ethnographic Film, 70 minutes. India/Switzerland. 

Journal Article: Critical Transductive Methodology


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